YOU CHOOSE HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO PAY FOR WATCHING STEPS? You can watch STEPS for FREE or you make a DONATION to Ride Greener. Each voluntary donation is in safe hands and will be reasonable used and invested at 100 % in the Ride Greener environmental campaign. With a donation you can actively contribute to the climate protection. Donation Informations: Ride Greener Industriegasse 6 2502 Biel Bank institute: Postfinance Clearing: 9000 Swift/BIC: POFICHBEXXX Account number: 60-501523-2 IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 6050 1523 2 In the winter of 2012/13, RIDE GREENER and COUPDOEIL FILM dared to take the step of making the impossible become possible: they produced the first climate friendly snowboard and ski film. In STEPS, the effects of climate change are shown in parallel with the allure of winter sports. The film pursues the question of whether or not snowboarding and skiing in today's world can be done in harmony with nature. STEPS, a documentary and action film, dives into the world of people whose deep connection to the mountains ties them together. Worried about impending climate change, they are looking for an alternative way to pursue their passion in harmony with nature and experience the mountains in an ecologically sustainable way. Instead of flying around the world in pursuit of snow, they explore the Alps at their doorstep. They travel using public transportation and climb the highest, most impressive peaks on their own before beginning their spectacular descents and jumps. Despite all of their efforts, they reach their limits and realize the real paradox existing in doing winter sports in harmony with nature. CINEMATOGRAPHY by COUPDOEIL FILM / PRODUCED BY RIDE GREENER / DIRECTED BY COUPDOEIL FILM (coupdoeil.ch) STARRING: MARTIN NELLEN RETO KNUTTI RENE ESTERMANN RETO KESTENHOLZ LEVI LUGGEN FREDERIK KALBERMATTEN MARTIN SEILER STEN SMOLA SEB BUMANN JUREK RUPPEN SÉBASTIEN DE SAINTE MARIE NICOLAS VUGNIER SVEN MERMOD MATHIEU SCHAER JANICKE SVEDBERG Sponsors: Ride Greener, myclimate, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss Federal Office for Social Security, Swisscom, Alpiq, Mammut, Dakine, Patagonia, Völkl, Alpenstadt Brig Supporter: Aletscharena, Leuk Tourismus, Kulturkomm. Brig und Naters, Gemeinde Riederalp, Fiesch, Fieschertal, Saas Fee, Anniviers Sierre, Kanton Wallis, Black Diamond, Hä? Wear, Nimm Clothing, TiptoTail, splitboard.ch, go-shred.com Mediapartners: SnowboarderMBM, Skiing Magazine, mpora.de, Spine Magazine, Frequency - The Snowboarders Journal, 7Sky Magazine, Whiteout Magazine, twoleftfeet.ch, Zapiks Music: Gustav Brach and Junip - Without you All film tour dates on: stepsfilm.com
Shared By: Snowboarding.com