December 04, 2013

Victor De Le Rue – The Search Is Everything

Wed, Dec 4 2013 5:06 pm | Comments
Rip Curl Presents,Victor De Le Rue – The Search Is Everything
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Capture d’écran 2013-12-04 à 10.36.41

“Filming with Absinthe Films was pretty cool this season. This is the ultimate dream for any rider to be part of an international production which has been there since the beginning. It allowed me to meet new riders and to find others that I knew already such as Sylvain Bourbouss, Matt Schaer, Nils Arvidsson, Mathieu Crépel and many others … 16mm films bring serious suspense because you do not see your footage throughout the season. You have the surprise at the end: it went well – I got this last part this year!” –Victor De Le Rue

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“I have heard about little Victor de Le Rue a while ago, trough the french riders i was filming with. They told me that everybody always talks about big brother Xavier but that i should wait and see how gifted Victor was. Three years later i had the chance to film with him and i have to say it is way over my expectations. Victor can ride every terrain, not only he is a good jibber and backcountry rider but he is learning the freeride aspect of snowboarding at the speed of light. Little Victor isn’t so little anymore and i am pretty sure i’ll become a stepping stone in the next generation of riders.” David Vladyka, Absinthe Filmer

Filmed by:
Absinthe Films
Grego Campi
Manuel Vivion (filming and editing)
Jérome Tanon

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